UNLV School of Medicine EMT Anatomy Lab

EMT: Anatomy Lab 2: Page 11 of 11

Lungs - continued

Lung Sounds
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Lung Sounds
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Lung Sounds
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Step 31:  View the front of the chest with the trachea highlighted. Rotate to see the back of the chest.
SP Icon
Step 32:   Listen to the breath sounds in each of the areas of the lungs on your Standardized Patient. Compare what you hear to the diagram below.

In general, breath sounds that are farther away from the trachea are soft on inspiration and are not completely present throughout expiration. These are called Vesicular breath sounds.

As you move closer to the center of the chest, the sounds grow louder and are continuous throughout the respiratory cycle. These are called brochovesicular breath sounds.

When you reach the trachea, the breath sounds are loud and you hear continue to hear breathe sounds through the entire respiratory cycle. These are called tracheal or bronchial breath sounds.

Breath Sounds chart